Saturday, June 23, 2007


永遠にともに ~コブクロ~

心が今とても 穏やかなのは この日を迎えられた意味を
特別な事など何もない ただ いつもより少し
シャンとした服を着てるだけ 君はとても綺麗だよ

何かといつも忙しく まだまだ想い出は多くないけど
始まりの鐘が 今 この街に響き渡る

共に歩き 共に探し 共に笑い 共に誓い
共に感じ 共に選び 共に泣き 共に背負い
共に抱き 共に迷い 共に築き 共に願い

気付かぬ間に二人 似たもの同士 仕草も笑い顔も
そこに生まれくる命には 何よりも尊い 二つの光を

ぶつかり合う時も来るさ 綺麗な事ばかりじゃないだろうから
始まりの鐘の音を いつまでも忘れない

共に歩き 共に探し 共に笑い 共に誓い
共に感じ 共に選び 共に泣き 共に背負い
共に抱き 共に迷い 共に築き 共に願い

偶然という名の運命 そんな出逢いだからこそ
何気ない瞬間を 今日からは かけがえのない瞬間に

共に歩き 共に探し 共に笑い 共に誓い
共に感じ 共に選び 共に泣き 共に背負い
共に抱き 共に迷い 共に築き 共に願い
ささやかな幸せが 木漏れ日のように
やわらかに降り注ぐ そんな日々を描きながら‥
いつの日も どんなときも

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

was not able to go class this week, cos sensei is not free until next week.
i can fixed a time, but my work is on shift, so this is my disadvantages for not getting any class this week. 已经习惯了. well, im not a very good student, and im not trying my best to reach the best (if i have even put heart into it, i will make it the top.) but i dun.....i wonder what i want in life? i want a sports car....WAH !!! hahahhahaa....sot jor.....
LP....linkin park. I was very obsessed lately with their songs. Remind me when i was 2 or 3 years back, the very rebel period. hehe......i have a series of collection of their 1st album till the very latest album, some of the songs are superb, reading their lyrics now, digesting what does it mean. U found it meaningful, wanna breakthru from the tension, dun seek advise from ur frens, just listen to their songs, and ur mind will fly thru Chester's scream, hehe....
love them !~

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Sunday, June 03, 2007

Just bought 3 books from Kinokuniya.
1.The preparatory course for the JPT grade 3
2.The Memory Keeper's daughter
3.The way to success (perhaps some loser like me shud read,hehe..)

decided not to suft net too much, wanna read some books, else other ppl will think im only a nerd tat facing pc and laptop only. Infact, im not.
Couldnt found the exactly book i want, but at least i found other thing tat is more then the thing tat im looking for =)

finally finished my lvl 3 book, is time to prepare the biggest test in this 2 weeeks, i was doing my notes everyday, thinking only to study, study and study. No worries my fren still can date my yam cha...hehe...i can layan geh !

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Whenever i be very tired, i probable will return to my own blog....spreading the same old sh*ts again. Going to update u what im been up to lately..

went to pangkor, 2 days a night [27/05/07~28/05/07]at a freaking bus with cockroaches, and full of aunties(ok....i paid rm170 for tat trip, i dun have the choice to complaint laaaa !!)
But in return, blue blue sea and blue blue sky, tat is so freaking pretty =D, rewarded to be so suffered >.< sob sob ! *pics will be up real soon!!~*

went to genting, 3 days 2 night [30/05~01/06] not too cold.....not too hot either, not bad....relax most, sleep most also, hehe... thanks to the weather. *pics also will be up soon!!~~~*

Back to reality, i need to study again. fuyoh............................................................