Monday, March 17, 2008

Sorry for not updating my blog frequent due to my laziness...=P
i still love my readers, hehe...

i was browsing a lot food blogs lately..still finding my interest of cooking, or inspirations...
place of makan, etc...started to be an aunty laaaa....learning from mama how to buy sayur(vegis) from the pasar(wet market). What to do ? i dun want always eat what my sister is cooking, tats always the same =P not just my parents feel sien, i also will feel sien, hehe...(sorry sis, but i ahd to tell the truth...=X )

Im sorry i took so long to update my thailand journey, decided not to blog on tat anymore, cos many of u have seen my pics in the, i also lazy uploading pics here...>.<" And ya....tat day celebrating Prema(UK offshore's team member aka my fren aka my kolik) bufday at the pantry... gonna post some pics here...=)

*the bufday cake...Choco, lucky she LOVE tat..*

*where am i ? im the one holding the camera, hehe...*
*from up : Ming Haw, Lee*
*from down : Kiwi, Prema + cakey*

*love of her life, wakakkakaa...kidding la =P*

*tats not her love of her life...........*

*kiwi turned of the light and we tot giving them a romantic celebration...*

*of cos i need to turn on my "tiny" flash light as u can see is really tiny >.<*
*cutting the cakey with her love of her life is such a good thing...* *see how hepi she smile, wakaka...*

tats the end of the Prema Bufday celebration, hehe...gorgeous ah the couple =P

Oh ya...For my HK readers, every 4 years, Malaysia will have pilihanraya(election).
as the result, our BN have lost most of the seats at KL area(my area is still DAP), for my HK readers again...there are a lot parties in Malaysia, few big parties like BN(consist of UMNO, MCA-马华, MIA, etc..., BN = Barisan National, for ur INFO, our prime minister Pak Lah is BN), DAP火箭(Democratic Action Party) by Lim Kit Xiong, PAS(
Islamic Party), Keadilan(Party Keadilan Rakyat - No English translation, hehe) are in vote.
Tat day b4 my class, i saw this banner hang infront of my car....

*FYI.....tat is BN's banner...* *since when Malaysian is such BIADAB/PARLIA ?like using banner to scold the other parties..*
ish............and those banners ah...flags ah all around the dirty and untidy...
i know is some kind of promote or campaign, but aint tat made our country more uncivilization ?
the above statement is just my thinking and my opinion, no offence...

12 of March, is Fion bufday...then....
Marge gave her a big surprise, she booked a bouquet of "TEDDY BEARS" via Malaysian website and send to my door step for Fion, hahaha....i can see a brilliant smile from her face, well..i bought her a bag, a shirt and bring mama with her sing k at Neway.....nice huh ? 21th year old wor.........what am i doing on 21th ??? working while pity !!

*nice "flowers" and a nice card, hehe...*
*Hepi Bufday my sweetest gal !!! Fion Khoong...=D*