*Emy is missing from this pic !! >.<" *
*hungry jas and someone took a sneak-shot!*
*There are u ! The gal with green is Emylia, she is very pretty ^^*
*Im still holding fork and spoon in this 3rd pic >.<" ha ha ~*
*see my face !! i know someone is taking pic !!*
*Fiz is curious seeing im still eating tat steak, keke...*
*Missing everyone soon =( *
*WASAI ! See tat eye bag ! @.@ HUGE LIKE GOLD FISH !!*
*Everyone ^^*
*from left: Me^^, Emy^^, Hanif, Zam, Ali, Anwar, and this is just testing the cam.*
*wats Zam doing ?-.-" *
*Everyone !! I ll miss u ~~~*