Sunday, October 26, 2008



OS By 薛家燕

(读白:天荒地老 最好忘记

    笑也轻微 痛也轻微

    生老病死 相聚分离

    身不由己 心不由己)

曾经我不太相信 定了宿命

曾经我想去反抗 命中注定

如果我感觉心跳 没法安静


在岁月里飘和沉 是我的命运

无望中哑忍 痛苦中偷生

用爱换最伤教训 妄想走近


曾想过不顾一切 另创天地

曾经你想抱紧我 最终退避

如果我可以改变 就勇敢地


(读白:浮萍落花 颠沛流离

山盟海誓 力竭筋疲

笑饮砒霜 魄散魂离

爱有尽时 恨无绝期)

在岁月里飘和沉 是我的命运

无望中哑忍 痛苦中偷生

用爱换最伤教训 妄想走近


梦会自最光变暗 让爱转做恨

流下的眼泪 是我不甘心

让恬静惹起微尘 我不安份


曾想过不顾一切 另创天地

曾经你想抱紧我 最终退避

如果我可以改变 就勇敢地 忘掉你

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Have mentioned to u about the latest club tat opening at AvenueK-Quattro , tats the one in my photos....take a look the.............front door only ! wakakaka....

*get closer baby....*

They put rain thru the entrance, and some umbrella of cos...and when u passed by the club, u will "CAUGHT IN RAIN" =D Special eh ? planning a trip ^*
All this while, Tesco Extra cheras have a place tat always attracted my attention and is my "sweet escape"...guess what ?? today i bought one dozen of donuts from BigAppleDonut, hehe....

*what's inside this Pandorabox ???*

*12 of them are my favors!!!!*

*still left only 3 in my refrigerator, i ate 3 at one time ! waakakak...*
*parents have choose 4 to eat too...=D*

Sweet donut, giving sweet moment, enjoy it with families and ur fren =)
this box only cost me rm21 !!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

so empty now....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Oh no !!! so long time no see, i saw some spider web hanging at my blog, hehe...IM BACK !!
This week is my leaves, have to clear of all my leaves in the company, and 23rd is my last day working with AO !!! to be honest, never be so HEPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII b4 !! HAHHAHAHAHA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
so, will be starting the new job in new company at 3rd of Nov 2008 !!! 楽しみにしているよ~~~

Marge and Ed have sent us some pics about the 2 babies =)
My nephew and niece, I LOVE THEM LIKE MY OWN SON AND DAUGHTER !!!there are 2 angels to Khoong's Family !

so cute.........................................and im speechlesss seeing them smiling like angels...OH GOOSH !

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Just flipped back my old email, i found this quite funny...


幸運: 在屁出來之前,其他人都下電梯了。

高興: 電梯裏只有自己一人,輕鬆自在的放一個屁。

後悔: 太臭了,連自己都忍受不了。

羞愧: 臭味消散之前,有人上電梯。

痛苦: 電梯裏只有自己和另一個人,那個人放了一個更臭的屁。

鬱悶: 放屁的那個人裝作若無其事。

孤獨: 放屁的人先下了電梯,自己獨自忍受屁臭。

委屈: 屁兒沒散盡之前,又有人上電梯。

鬱忿: 跟媽媽上電梯的孩子指著我說:媽媽,他放屁。

崩潰: 媽媽告訴孩子:總有不自愛的人!
