Monday, November 10, 2008

As promised, sorry ya my dear readers, lately a lot things bothering u go...the pic of langkawi =D..

*looks like a hanuted mansion ~Aseania!*

*guess what ? tat 5452 is me and june's IC number...4 ekor belakang...*

*stunned ~*

*catch the eagle !*

*a lonely back....*

*me and K with the parrots, wakaka...*

*a very leng zai monkey+a very yeng zai monkey! LOL~*

*only with birds....*

*wakaka, me again =P*

*feed fat fat rabbit can made them a very tasty "SATAY!" =X*

*never forget come to Langkawi must drink beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers like water ! Asahi only rm1.20 ~ WTF ?*